Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Debrief of "The Box Man"

        An important new insight for me was the mention of the Box Man's bandaged legs. In my first reading, it had irritated me that there seemed to be few negative descriptions of the box man's status. I realize that the author shows how his solitude is preferable to many others, but there are still many perils to being homeless that were not depicted. In the discussion, I also heard many new interesting questions I had not thought to ponder. I had not previously thought of the season as part of the setting; it was intriguing to think about if the absense of a cold winter season was the author's intention. I also had not thought about the changing lengths of paragraphs. I found it interesting that the longer paragraphs could signifiy traveling deeper into solitude.
        I wish we had talked about the contrast between the box man and the priviledged men on the subway. I thought the differences between the Daily News, which the box man reads, and the Wall Street Journal would have been a good discussion. To me, the Daily News represents a desire for knowledge of the more general world while Wall Street Journal suggests elites who only think of the street they work on.
       I said every response I wanted to say during the discussion, but I wish I had brought up what I mentioned in the previous paragraph.

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