Friday, November 9, 2012

Research Paper Progress Report

Topic: Racism in Soccer


Bennett, Roger. "In the Struggle Against Racism, England Finds Hope." ESPN FC. 6 November 2012. 15 November 2012. Web.
     This article is helpful because it compares the addressing of racism in England today to the acceptance of racism in soccer decades ago.

"FIFA Against Discrimination." FIFA. 2012. 15 November 2012. Web.
     This is an important source because it states the stance against racism of FIFA, world soccer's governing body.

Hughes, Rob. "As Euro 2012 Nears, Troubling Issues Surface." New York Times. 29 May 2012. Print.
     This article talks about developments at the most recent international tournament. These developments provide insight into how culture and politics affect international soccer matches.

Kuper, Simon and Stefan Szymansk. Soccernomics. New York: Nation Books, 2012. Print.
     This book has a couple of chapters about racism in modern European professional choices for managers and players, and it has a lot of historical background to racism in it.

Longman, Jere. "Racism Charges Put a Sport on Edge." The New York Times. 21 December 2011. Print.
     This article talks about two very recent cases of racism in soccer.

Longman, Jere. “World Cup Plans Anti-Racism Defense.” International Herald Tribune. 4 June 2006. Print.
Ouseley, Lord Herman, et al. "Kick It Out Annual Review 2010-2011." Kick It Out. 2011. Web.
     This is a good source because it is a review from an organization that is dedicated to addressing racism in soccer.

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